Summer’s winding down, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy these final weeks! There’s still time to check those last few things off your summer bucket list, like visiting these breweries. Good beer will make cure your end-of-summer blues and prepare you for football season.
These next eight breweries will take you to Oshkosh, Green Bay, Door County and a few other central Wisconsin cities that know their beer (and cider):
Location: Plover
Fun Fact: In 2013, O’so Brewing Co. was named the second fastest growing brewery in Wisconsin. Then, in 2015, they won their first Great American Beer Festival Award Gold Medal for a year-round beer, The Big O.
Lucy’s Favorite: Night Rain
2. CiderBoys
Location: Stevens Point
Fun Fact: Less than a year after First Press, Strawberry Magic, Cranberry Road, Mad Bark and Peach County were introduced, CiderBoys won four gold medals in the Beverage Testing Institute in the World Beer Championships. That was the most for any cider maker!
Lucy’s Favorite: Peach County
Location: Amherst
Fun Fact: Central Waters brews all their beer with solar-heated water, in addition to other environmentally conscious brewing techniques. They were the first brewery to be entered to Wisconsin’s Green Tier program and are the only brewery in the state’s Green Master program.
Lucy’s Favorite: Mudpuppy Porter
Location: Oshkosh
Fun Fact: The city of Oshkosh has roots in brewing beer that date back to 1846, but Fox River Brewing Co. opened in 1995 and their second location opened in 1997.
Lucy’s Favorite: Red Bobber
Location: Green Bay
Fun Fact: The husband and wife team started Hinterland Brewery in 1995 in an old cheese factory outside of Green Bay. They expanded to a turn-of-the-century meat packing warehouse in Green Bay that they renovated into a production house and a farm-to-table restaurant. Since then, they’ve opened three additional restaurants to expand their knowledge of food and beer.
Lucy’s Favorite: Packerland Pilsner
Location: Green Bay
Fun Fact: Stillmank Brewing Co.’s owner and founder was one of the first 20 people to become a Certified Cicerone back in 2009. A Cicerone is someone “with proven experience in selecting, acquiring and serving today’s wide range of beers.” So, kind of like the wine sommelier for beers!
Lucy’s Favorite: Wisco Disco
Location: Green Bay
Fun Fact: The building that houses the original Titletown Brewing Company (now its restaurant) was once a train depot that operated from 1899 to 1994. A group of investors bought the building in 1996 and revamped it into a microbrewery and restaurant while still preserving the depot’s history.
Lucy’s Favorite: Johnny Blood Red
Location: Bailey’s Harbor
Fun Fact: Door County Brewing Co. specializes in Belgian-, French- and American-influenced styles of beer.
Lucy’s Favorite: Little Sister
Didn’t catch the other four parts of our series? Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5 to get the full road trip experience!